Thursday, October 26, 2006

About Blogging

What makes for a good blog? Is it blogging about the humanitarian work and preaching good old Christianity principles, or is it blogging about something as personal as your sexual escapades and how you stuck a bottle up the other end of someone’s pie-hole? It’s been proven that the latter suits the taste for the online audience.

Heather Armstrong is running a successful website called at Dooce. She is in Utah and blogs about her daily life but it is written in a comical take. Just how successful is she? Her audience is so big that she is able to support her husband, daughter, and her little dog too through her website by selling ad space on her online diary like website.

I think the reason why she is getting such a large audience is because she’s insightful and is a real person who has real problems. She was once put into a mental hospital because she had post partum depression after she had her baby. She is real and truthful and that is how her reader likes it. I feel that the internet is no place for privacy and Armstrong exposes that head on. Through her not so private thoughts she connects with her readers. Sometimes she pokes fun at her Mormon heritage and people like the semi-self deprecating stories she writes about.

Blogs have become a large mainstream in the internet culture. Everyone and anyone can have a blog. It is accessible to all but how does one makes theirs popular and the most read? My guess is you should connect with your readership through your stories and you probably might have to top Armstrong’s adventure with the condiment bottle.

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