Monday, September 18, 2006

The One Where...

“What Mario isn’t telling you,” is it’s all about propaganda. I was watching “Friends” and I realized they did an episode to make the viewers aware of VD. They had an episode with Joey where he models for a free clinic and his face gets plastered on VD posters, and comedy ensues. But behind all the laugh tracks and applauses, the message is clear; “VD. You never know who might have it,” not even a handsome stud like Joey.

I think this episode of "Friends" is propaganda because it is informing you on VD. Wikipedia describes as "..a specific type of message presentation directly aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of people, rather than impartially providing information. An appeal to one's emotions is, perhaps, the more obvious propaganda method, but there are varied other more subtle and insidious forms. "Friends" appeal to your funny senses making a connection with its viewers on an emotional level while it promotes VD awareness.

Another propaganda I have encounter is when I go to the Post Office, there are people who always try to convert me into an god-fearing, bible-loving, Catholic. I totally get peeved when they try to push religion on me. You don’t see me to pushing satanic music on their children, so let me sin in peace. Goddamit!

What is propaganda, anyway? Is it just some scumbag politician telling you he’s saving your ass from terrorists but what he’s really trying to do is perch his butt on the other country’s oil and call first dibs? Or does it lie in that weird, creepy Japanese 30 something seconds commercial that tries to sell you a Micky D's hamburger?

Wikipedia defines propaganda as a unique message proposal that can pull people’s opinion or behavior in their direction. It can be explosive in style, or underlying, or secret like propaganda.

Propaganda comes in all form: politics, religion, advertising, and etcetera. Even people like you and me have some sort of propaganda. “Eat healthy! Save the whales! Don’t wear fur!” And the list goes on. The word "propaganda" is no longer really used today because people think it relates to manipulation. I think people today are too anal. Lighten up and tell me what propaganda you are trying to sell me today.


Faith said...

If you want to create links in your blog posts:

When writing your post, highlight the words you want linked, and then click the icon on the blog editor with the globe and little chain links. Enter the link you want the words to link to and voila, you are finished.

Lilly Buchwitz said...

I don't understand how the "Friends" episode qualifies as propaganda.

Amir said...

Here is the easy way to make a like like I did in my post. When composing your entry, right above where you enter the text, it has the little logos to add pictures, spell check, etc. There one thats a picture of the eart with a white chain like thing in the upper left of it.

First, highlight the word you want to link.

Then press the earth button.

A new window will show up asking for the url.

Just copy and paste the url of where you want the link to take you and choose okay.

That should do it. If you encounter any more problems, feel free to comment or e-mail me.

David Ly said...

haha, that episode was hella funny.

yeah, people nowadays are too anal and sneaky... they got words for words that actually mean other shit... i dunno