Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Take on Sex and the City

"Sex in the City" was first aired in 1998 and became one of the biggest hit TV shows of among young girls to middle aged women. It was about four women who were protrayed as the stereotypical New York women; very sexually active and very trendy.

I thought some of the shows were borderline pornographic. It isn’t something that you sit and watch with your mom while sipping on tea and crumpets. This was something that I thought was only suitable for private viewing. I remember I was catching an episode on HBO and to my embarrassment my parents decided to join me in the viewing of Sex in the City that night. Umm, if you watch the show, you know that Samantha screws a guy or three almost every week. Let’s just say it was mortifying to say the least.

This show was a total trend setter. Whether it was good or bad, people followed it. I remember the one where Carrie, the main character, wore something that had a giant flower on her blouse. The next week, there wasn’t a trendy women store that didn’t carry those hideous flower shirts.

Or what about the high-couture fanny pack. A fanny pack is a fanny pack by any other name is, and forever will be, a fanny pack. It’s ugly and something your grandma would wear. Talk about the power of influence. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she sported a garbage shirt and the next day everyone wore something similar. *Gag*

"Sex in the City" have affected our society making it okay to be more sexually liberating and a more snazzy dresser.

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